Who participates in GLOWOPT?


To achieve its goals, GLOWOPT has assembled an international team with necessary multi-disciplinary expertise, and with experience of previously having worked successfully together in topics relevant to GLOWOPT (for example in the ATM4E project). The consortium is composed of two main participants, being those universities with the most relevant expertise in Europe to address the respective Thematic Topic. TUHH is involved with the Institute of Air Transportation Systems (ILT) and coordinates the Research and Innovation Action. TUD is contributing both with the Flight Performance and Propulsion (FPP) department and the Aircraft Noise and Climate Effects (ANCE) department.

Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)

Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) is the northernmost technical university in Germany. With currently approximately 7000 students, 74 institutes or research groups and approximately 765 scientific employees (including ~100 professors) TUHH is specialized on education and research in three key areas: „Green Technologies“, „Life Science Technologies“ as well as „Aviation and Maritime Systems“.

The TUHH is involved in GLOWOPT with the Institute of Air Transportation Systems (ILT). The Institute of Air Transportation Systems does research on the understanding of system complexities in air transport. The research portfolio comprises of concepts, preliminary designs and the optimization of sub systems such as future aircraft configurations, as well as the simulation and assessment of entire air transportation systems with respect to economic and ecological sustainability. Covering topics such as ATM and flight operations, aircraft design, airline logistics and operations as well as methods for technology assessment, the institute is capable of developing new air transportation concepts and assess their feasibility from different stakeholders’ perspectives. In GLOWOPT, the team of Air Transport Operations and Infrastructures is involved, which is specialized on the modelling and simulation of the global impact of future air transportation technologies and operational concepts.

Besides the coordination of the GLOWOPT action, TUHH’s ILT is responsible for the identification and definition of top level aircraft requirements based on a cluster analysis of air traffic forecasts (WP2). In the course of WP5, TUHH performs aircraft performance calculations in order to determine emission inventories which serve as input for a detailed climate impact assessment.

Delft University of Technology (TUD)

Delft University of Technology is the oldest, largest, and most comprehensive technical university in the Netherlands. With over 19,000 students and 2,500 scientists (including 400 professors), it is an establishment of both national importance and high international standing. The University collaborates with other international educational establishments and research institutes and has partnerships with governments, branch organizations, industries and companies. TU Delft ranks 42nd on the 2014 THE World Reputation Rankings list. The Faculty of Aerospace Engineering (AE) is a well-established Aerospace School, one of the largest in the world. It was founded in 1940 and currently has about 300 staff members and a student body of more than 2000 students.

Furthermore, its unique technical infrastructure includes a flying test bed in the form of a Cessna Aircraft, numerous research wind tunnels, flight simulator and laboratories equipped with sophisticated non-intrusive measurement techniques. The faculty is internationally oriented and participates in a large number of international networks and projects. The department Control and Operations is focused on the through-life operations associated with aerospace industry. It addresses the avionics systems of individual aircraft, flight control and flight deck design, the environmental effects of aviation (i.e., noise and climate), airline operations and support, air traffic control and safety, airports and the operations associated with air transport as a whole. The group Aircraft Noise and Climate Effects (ANCE) concentrates on modelling environmental effects of aviation.

The Flight Performance & Propulsion section (FPP) embeds flight performance and propulsion expertise. The focus is on advanced/innovative aircraft configurations and novel and possibly disruptive propulsion concepts. Hence, aircraft engine integration is an important topic. These research areas are highly relevant if we want to contribute to the ambitious targets for the environmental impact of aviation, proposed by the Advisory Committee for Aeronautics Research in Europe (ACARE).

In GLOWOPT, TUD-ANCE is responsible for the development of the climate cost functions that drive the aircraft design optimization studies (WP3). Furthermore, in WP5, TUD-ANCE performs more in-depth studies on the climate impact of the aircraft as well as the noise and emissions. TUD-FPP is mainly responsible for the application of the climate cost functions in the multi-disciplinary design optimization of aircraft (WP4). TUD-FPP will utilize its in-house developed aircraft design software to perform this task and investigate the effect of technology infusion on the resulting global-warming optimized aircraft.